We all know the first couple shows are all the try outs where they just show people who sing like someone is fucking strangling them and sticking pins in their dick all at once, but the most interesting part of about this years show is the two new judges. First you got Jenny from the block , JLo who was once straight fire, but has recently been showing her age, and having like 10 kids or some shit, either way I hope she hit the fucking treadmill and did some ass lunges for this season and looks like she did back in the Pdiddy days. Then you got Steven Tyler, what’s that old saying, once a rock star, always a rock star? Because mark my word will be at least one contestant who comes out and says she hobbed on Tylers knob to get some good remarks on her otherwise shitty singing. Then you got the veteran in the group, Mr. Randy Jackson, come on DOG. I mean has a more worthless person and tv personality (who has no personality) ever lasted this long a major hit show? Idol dummed Paula on her ass, but at least her crazy nut bag ass was entertaining to watch, mostly because I was in the safety of my own home, but seriousely DOG, Randy is almost intolerable. With that being said I am excited to see how this season plays out.
P.S. Idol has already produced the greatest pure singer of our generation (Adam Lambert) ..Lets see if they can find the second greatest this year.
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