I am personally a PATS guy, always have been always will be, its just tradition with me on this one. I mean I remember driving down to Pats at 3 am on a week night in high school to eat a fucking cheessteak, and that’s pretty much testimony to how good this fucking wiz wit is. Not to forget the wiz fries, which maybe the best thing on earth, even though every time you eat an order of these you can certainly take 1-2 years off of your life. Pats doesn’t spend the money on pizzazz and flash and lights like Geno’s does because their a bunch of spirit fingered pansies, but riddle me this Geno pussies, why is the line always, and I mean every single day, triple what the line at Geno’s is??? Its pretty simple to me, a better fucking cheessteak, and if your from Philadelphia you know there are a few things we absolutely cherish, Sports, cheessteaks, hogies, Beer, and women…in that order. So to me it’s a no brainer, PATS all the way. But lets hear your comments, Pats or Geno’s ?
P.S. I already know who will be the first to defend Geno’s and even though this guy is one of my best friends and I was in his wedding, he is a big weirdo creep. This guy, who deeply declares Geno’s is better, saying Pats has to much gristle and too many onions, is also the same guy who has a deadly phobia of Styrofoam (seriously, I am talking this guy could have been on the Maury Show when they had all the weirdo’s with phobia on, like the guy who was deadly afraid of peaches and Maury just brings out buckets of peaches and almost kills the guy..classic episode ) and this is also the guy who is afraid to eat the ends of French Fries because he scared the ends will poke him in the stomach (seriously) …so if this is the type of guy who eats a Geno’s steak over a Pat’s steak, good. I don’t want him standing in line with me and freak-out and maybe kill me because he see some Styrofoam in the trash can, and has to run away like Shawn from the Peaches!
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