Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Any news that allows me to post BubRub Video is good news

Journal Register News Service

Royersford prohibits loud brake retarders, restricts sidewalk sales
ROYERSFORD — After hearing complaints from residents on issues they felt were nuisances, borough council adopted two new ordinances prohibiting brake retarders on vehicles, and restricting sidewalk sales and obstructing building access ways.

Borough Manager Mike Leonard said the ordinances were put into effect because council received several complaints about the two issues from borough residents.

The brake retarder ordinance was enacted because residents complained about the noise the devices were making, especially during the nighttime hours, Leonard said.

According to the ordinance, brake retarders are prohibited because they create excessive noise, adversely affecting the health, safety and welfare of residents.

Drivers are prohibited from using the devices on Main Street, beginning at 10th Avenue and continuing to Fifth Avenue.

There are exceptions to the ordinance. In an emergency situation, drivers can use them if it will protect the safety of residents, property, motorists, pedestrians or the vehicle's driver.

Anyone caught using brake retarders inside the prohibited area could face a $50 to $300 fine and jail time up to 10 days.

So are Royersford Officials breaking Constitutional Rights with these new ordinances or are they opening the door for other City Officials to create ordinances out of the blue? For instance, are city officials going to read this and say oh we can just tell people things we don’t like are illegal and when asked why we just say oh because “it’s adversely affecting the health, safety and welfare of residents”? Because if that the case I will write a God Damn book on things that should be illegal and you should be able to be fined for if you do them. Here is a quick list that comes to my mind:

1. Driving when you’re a woman, or Asian, and double that fine if you’re an Asian woman.
2. Coughing in my face or on my back in the subway
3. Sitting at a 6 person table at lunch when you’re fucking by yourself and there are 2 top tables all around you.
4. Talking on the phone to your baby daddy /baby mama or cousin Ray Ray during a movie
5. Not turning on RED when there is no posted sign that says “Do Not Turn On Red”
6. Taking more than 60 seconds to use the ATM
7. Walking across the street when the marker on the other side is a FUCKING HAND Sign not a Walking Sign (ill run your ass over, cool hipster guy strolling across the street in your 12 year old girl jeans)

Don’t misconstrue my remarks, I 100% agree with banning brake retarders (even though I don’t know what that is, I am assuming its something like BubRub and Lil Sis have going on in this youtube video) but never the less, the last thing I want to hear at night is some horrific screeching down the street from De-Shawnn and Mc Fly driving their Lincoln Mercury down High Street, seats back, Lil Wayne pumpin, and brake retarder on. Fuck that, just because you don’t work, doesn’t mean I don’t have to get up at the ass crack of dawn and make a real living. But the real question still remains, is this Constitutional? I mean isn’t America great because you can be a complete jerkoff asshole and put a retarder (still not sure I understand what that is) on your car, or sell fake coach bags Asian Martial Arts movies on the street?

P.S. BubRub does have a point in his statement at the (1:33 mark) “that’s only in the morning, you supposed to be up making breakfast for sumbody and so that’s like an alarm clock whooo whooo” …

P.SS KRON 4 news reporter has BubRub and Lil Sis give a demonstration at the 1:46 mark and they almost take out the entire line of cars on the left side of the street and completely blow that stop sign and cause an oncoming car to swerve out of the way (nice demonstration).

P.SSS this is by far one of my all time favorite youtube clips.

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