This blog is going to be called “who would you rather be”?
For all you fucking dodo birds out there, this is how it will work: I will post some pictures of people, and I will give you my editors pick and reasoning. Leave a comment agreeing/disagree/ your analysis of the people; I don’t really give a fuck, just leave a comment!
For the first ever “who would you rather be”? I am going to do a match up of NFC and AFC QB’s. Because, make no mistake about it, being a NFL QB is basically the same thing as using Love Potion #9 on bitches because they will flock to and drop panties like its their job (which it should be).
Anyway here the match up: you got Jay Cutler and Aaron Rodgers from the NFC and Mark Sanchez and Ben Roethlisberger from the AFC.
I am going to narrow mine down by division: Culter vs. Rodgers is a no brainer for me, Rodgers easily, Culter is a pumpkin-pie hair cutted freak who sucks and shouldn’t be in the Playoffs. That being said, Rodgers is one of the best QB’s in the league and I guarantee he dominates cheese-head pussy up in Green Bay. (side note) I will always route for the team that takes out the Birds, because then I can at least say we lost to the champs.
Now for the AFC: Sanchez vs. Raplisberger (I mean) Roethlisberger, this isn’t as easy as it might seem. On one hand you have Sanchez, while he seems to be as dumb as a box of wrenches, he has to pull in just truckloads of pussy in NY and every time he goes back to USC, but he also hasn’t won shit and has to deal with people criticizing him all year long and basically blaming any Jets loss on him, (that’s a lot to handle every year). Then you have Big Ben, who is a rapist and should immediately taken out of the running, but he does have two rings and is treated like a GOD in Pittsburgh, like this fucking guy could get convicted/accused 10 more times and people in Pittsburgh would still worship the ground he raped (I mean walked) on. But I am going to have to take the punishment and criticism every year and be Sanchez, because there is just tooo much pussy in NYC, and even the idea of going to USC for a weekend and laying pipe to college chicks gives me the tingles. So yea definitely Sanchez here.
Now for the finals: Sanchez vs. Rodgers….Drum roll Plllleaassse...I am going to have to pick Rodgers, just because he is going to be considered one of the all time greats if he keeps playing the way he is and wins a Super Bowl or two. While Sanchez could be out of the league in a couple years and be an afterthought, which would dramatically hurt his pussy getting skillzzz.
There ya have it! Now leave a comment!